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Kitchen Display Systems

With the need for speed and accuracy in any Restaurant, a video displaying the items ordered is a great way to accomplish both.  Even though a Kitchen Video System is higher priced that a dot-matrix or thermal printer, there are benefits to spending the extra money.  For example,  with a Kitchen Video System there is no need to purchase paper or ribbons and there is no mess to clean up. Also, being that a Kitchen Video has no moving parts it is less susceptible to failure. 


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MicroPlus ePAD


The Ultimate Video provides your kitchen staff with easy to read, color enhanced product orders. The system provides powerful tools to help increase customer service and employee productivity, while helping to reduce waste.

MicroPlus ePAD Kitchen Display System

ChefTab, ChefTab+ and ChefTab Bump

ChefTab® offers a fully-featured Kitchen Display System that interfaces to anything that can print receipts and installation as simple as connecting your smartphone to a wi-fi hotspot. It fully leverages the power of tablet technology with rich user experience, touchscreen gestures, voice quality audio, training videos, and cloud features.

ChefTab Kitchen Display System
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